Safeguarding - What does it look like for our children?
Tonacliffe Primary School Safeguarding
At Tonacliffe Primary School, we want to make sure that you feel looked after, safe and happy when you are in and out of school.
What is Safeguarding?
"Safeguarding" refers to all the things we do to make sure you are kept safe from any harm.
All of the adults around you think that your physical health, mental health, safety and welfare are very important.
In our school, we respect our children and help to protect their rights.
We want to make sure that you know who to ask for help and to teach you how to recognise risks in different situations and how to protect yourself to stay safe online and in the real world.
We can help you by:
• Only letting people work here who can be trusted to keep you safe.
• Teaching you how to see if people are not keeping you safe.
• Helping you if someone does not keep you safe.
• Making sure all adults at the school know what they have to do.
Sometimes we don’t know if something bad is happening, so you need to tell us.
Designated Safeguarding Leads
In every school there is always somebody who has the responsibility to keep your safe and all staff have to tell that person if they are worried about you - this person is called the DSL, which stands for designated safeguarding lead. In our school, the DSL is Mrs Heap.
Other members of staff have also been taught how to do the DSL's job and work together with Mrs Heap to help safeguard the children in our school. These adults are:
Miss Griffiths, Mrs Clutterbuck and Miss Noble.
Need to talk?
You can talk to any adult in school if you need to and they will try their best to help you. There are also other places outside of school you can go to for help.
You can call or visit:
Childline by calling 0800 11 11 or visting
NSPCC by calling 0800 800 500 or visiting
Kidscape by calling 020 7730 3300 or visiting