Green 2024 - 2025
Mrs Clutterbuck
'Where only our best is enough'
Welcome to Reception Green with Mrs Clutterbuck, Mrs Summerscales and Mrs Snook.
We are excited to get to know our new reception children and begin our learning journey together!
In Early Years, it is through our play that we learn all we need to know. Early Years education is a vital part in your child’s development to ensure they are developing in a safe, secure and happy environment. Our children are given opportunities to investigate and explore a vast range of activities and experiences and are encouraged to develop their independency.
In Reception we follow the Early Years curriculum which is split into seven areas of learning.
There are 3 prime areas of learning:
- Personal, Social and Emotional Development
- Communication and Language
- Physical development
There are four specific areas of learning:
- Literacy
- Mathematics
- Understanding the World
- Expressive Arts and Design
We teach these areas through a balance of focused tasks with an adult and through structured play within the areas of the classroom, activity area and outdoor area, which are enhanced with activities relating to our topic and the children’s developing curiosities and interest.
Please familiarise yourself with the curriculum information below, any questions, don't hesitate to ask us!
PE day is Monday. Please send your child to school in active uniform (white tshirt/ black jogging bottoms/leggings and black trainers).
Library day is Thursday. Please make sure your child brings their book back to school to exchange their library book every Thursday.
Homework is handed out on a Friday to be returned to school on Wednesday. Thank you.
Forest School is on Friday. Remember to send your child to school wearing appropriate clothing (long sleeves and pants) and ensure forest school kit is in school on this day.
Homework will be handed out on a Friday to be completed and returned the following Wednesday. Your child's homework will be mainly phonics based and will enable them to rehearse their phonics learning from that week.
Reading is the key to success! Please ensure your child reads their school reading book every day. This only needs to be 5 minutes. Reading every day gives your child the best chances of success in all areas of learning.
The power of reading holds the key to success – it not only underpins everything we learn about but it also stimulates curiosity, intrigue, an active imagination and helps us to think critically and analytically so let’s work together to make your child be the best reader they can be! You can help by listening to your child read and by reading to your child (bedtime stories are a wonderful way). Don’t forget to sign your child’s reading diary too – extra credits/ 'smiley faces' are given for this😊.
'Smiley Faces' are given to your children for their efforts and behaviour. These are our version of 'merits' and merits earned go towards your children gaining their Bronze, Silver, Gold and Honours certificates, and finally the prestigious Badge (this is a special achievement which is presented at the end of the year in our end of year assembly).
Attendance matters and everyday counts! Please ensure your child arrives on time and is ready for the school day ahead. If you have a problem, please let me know as soon as possible. Missing school means missing learning and learning builds from one day to another.
Early help and early intervention are forms of support aimed at improving outcomes for children or preventing escalating need or risk. If for whatever reason you and your child are struggling and feel you need help, please do ask. School staff may be able to advise, offer support or signpost you to the people and agencies who can.
Thank you for your continued support.
Mrs Clutterbuck.
Files to Download
Green: News items
Newsletter no. 18, Monday 3rd February 2025, by Miss Crofts
Newsletter no. 17, Monday 27th January 2025, by Miss Crofts
Green: Calendar items
Spring Disco: Reception-Year 3, by Miss Crofts
Green Class parents' assembly, by Miss Crofts