Late/Absence Procedures

Every School Day Counts

We recognise that there may be occasions when your child is unwell and therefore absent from school.  Please ensure that you telephone the office at the start of the school day to inform us and provide the reason for absence. 

If you are going to be late getting to school, please telephone and let us know.

Missed Education = Missed Opportunities

Did you know ....

  • One week missed from school is the same as missing around 25 hours of education which can't be repeated.
  • 90% attendance may sound OK but it is the same as missing a month off school each year. Over the course of a school career, this would add up to a whole year missed! Your child would also be classed as a Persistent Absentee.

Please try to keep regular appointments outside of school time.  If you do have an appointment, please ensure that the office is aware of it.

Holidays in Term Time

Where possible, parents should try to avoid taking their child on holiday during term time. There are 175 non-school days each year during which holidays can be taken without impacting on a child’s learning.

Holidays can only be authorised in exceptional circumstances and must be requested in advance.

If you must take your child away during the school term, please discuss this with school beforehand to try to minimize the impact.

Remember, any cost savings should be weighed up against the cost to your child’s education.

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Primary School

Tonacliffe Road, Whitworth,
Lancashire OL12 8SS

School Business Manager

01706 344609

through Working Together