Friends of Tonacliffe (PTA)

'Thank you' Friends of Tonacliffe for the money to buy all these fabulous resources for nursery and we still have some to spend for our summer topics

Friends of Tonacliffe is the name for our long-standing and super-supportive fundraising group.
Each year their hard work helps to organise popular, exciting events in school. 

Over the past years there have been:

discos, quiz nights, fashion shows, table top sales, band nights (for parents), Mothers' Day and Fathers'Day gift sales, afternoon tea dates and of course the fabulously well-supported annual fundraising Christmas Fairs.

All the monies raised are donated to the school to provide important resources for children and teachers to use in school and an amount of money is donated for every child towards a school trip or visit.

Recently money has helped to provide:

Gardening resources (including a greenhouse ) for the school Green Team

Class cameras to enable children and staff to record important moments

Netball kits to keep our school team looking at their best

Individual class resources

Books for all the children in the school

End of year entertainer for nursery classes

If you would like to join our team of volunteers, please look out for dates of meetings, which are advertised on the school website list of events and also in the window of our nursery classroom. Mrs Whitworth in nursery will also be happy to give you any further information.

Meetings are usually only once a term and if you can't make the meetings, your help is very much valued at any of our events; come and see what you can do to support this very important organisation in supporting our school.

Thank you.

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Primary School

Tonacliffe Road, Whitworth,
Lancashire OL12 8SS

School Business Manager

01706 344609

through Working Together